Index Fichier unique

Art. 946 A. Organisation / I. Constituent parts / 3. Registers / b. Folio
Art. 948 A. Organisation / I. Constituent parts / 3. Registers / d. Journal, supporting documents

Art. 947 A. Organisation / I. Constituent parts / 3. Registers / c. Joint folio

c. Joint folio

1 Two or more parcels of land may be entered on one folio with the owner’s consent, regardless of whether they are contiguous.

2 The entries on such folio are valid for all the land in question with the exception of easements.

3 The owner may at any time request that entries for indivaidual parcels of land be removed from a joint folio, all rights being reserved.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 946 A. Instituziun / I. Register funsil / 3. Registers / b. Fegl dal register funsil
Art. 948 A. Instituziun / I. Register funsil / 3. Registers / d. Diari, mussaments

Art. 947 A. Instituziun / I. Register funsil / 3. Registers / c. Fegls collectivs

c. Fegls collectivs

1 Cun il consentiment dal proprietari pon plirs bains immobigliars vegnir inscrits sin il medem fegl, er sch’els na cunfinan betg in cun l’auter.

2 Las inscripziuns fatgas sin quest fegl valan per tut quests bains immobigliars ensemen, cun excepziun da las servituts funsilas.

3 Il proprietari po pretender da tut temp che singuls bains immobigliars vegnian puspè zavrads or dal fegl collectiv, cun resalva dals dretgs ch’existan londervi. (2009-2021) - A propos
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