Index Fichier unique

Art. 945 A. Organisation / I. Constituent parts / 3. Registers / a. Main Register
Art. 947 A. Organisation / I. Constituent parts / 3. Registers / c. Joint folio

Art. 946 A. Organisation / I. Constituent parts / 3. Registers / b. Folio

b. Folio

1 The following data is entered in separate sections on each folio:

the easements and real burdens established in favour of or encumbering the property;
the liens with which it is encumbered.

2 Accessories may be noted on the folio at the owner’s request and, once noted, may be deleted only with the consent of all such interested parties as are evident from the land register.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 945 A. Instituziun / I. Register funsil / 3. Registers / a. Register principal
Art. 947 A. Instituziun / I. Register funsil / 3. Registers / c. Fegls collectivs

Art. 946 A. Instituziun / I. Register funsil / 3. Registers / b. Fegl dal register funsil

b. Fegl dal register funsil

1 Mintga fegl è divaidì en differentas rubricas, nua ch’i vegn inscrit:

la proprietad;
las servituts e las grevezzas funsilas ch’èn colliadas cun il bain immobigliar u che giaschan sin quel;
ils dretgs da pegn, cun ils quals il bain immobigliar è engrevgià.

2 Sin dumonda dal proprietari vegnan las appartegnientschas inscrittas en il register funsil, e sche quai è capità, pon ellas vegnir stritgadas or dal register funsil mo cun il consentiment da tut las persunas che possedan dretgs confermads en il register. (2009-2021) - A propos
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