Index Fichier unique

Art. 392 C. Dispensing with a deputyship
Art. 394 B. Representative deputyship / I. In general

Art. 393 A. Assistance deputyship

A. Assistance deputyship

1 An assistance deputyship is established with the consent of the person in need if he or she needs assistance in order to deal with certain matters.

2 The assistance deputyship does not limit the capacity of the client to act.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 392 C. Renunzia ad ina curatella
Art. 394 B. Curatella da represchentanza / I. En general

Art. 393 A. Curatella accumpagnada

A. Curatella accumpagnada

1 Ina curatella accumpagnada vegn installada cun il consentiment da la persuna basegnusa, sche quella dovra in sustegn accumpagnà per liquidar tscherts affars.

2 La curatella accumpagnada na restrenscha betg l’abilitad d’agir da la persuna pertutgada. (2009-2021) - A propos
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