Index Fichier unique

Art. 168 H. Acts giuridics dals consorts / I. En general
Art. 170 J. Obligaziun da dar infurmaziuns

Art. 169 H. Acts giuridics dals consorts / II. Abitaziun da la famiglia

II. Abitaziun da la famiglia

1 Senza il consentiment expressiv da l’auter consort na po in consort ni disdir in contract da locaziun ni vender la chasa u l’abitaziun da la famiglia ni restrenscher ils dretgs vi da quella tras auters acts giuridics.

2 Sch’il consort na po betg cuntanscher quest consentiment u sche quel al vegn refusà senza in motiv plausibel, po el appellar al derschader.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 168 H. Transactions by the spouses / I. In general
Art. 170 J. Duty to inform

Art. 169 H. Transactions by the spouses / II. Family home

II. Family home

1 A spouse may terminate a tenancy agreement, alienate the family home or limit the rights in respect of the family home by other transactions only with the express consent of the other.

2 If the spouse cannot obtain such consent or it is withheld without good cause, he or she may petition the court. (2009-2021) - A propos
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