Index Fichier unique

Art. 167 G. Professiun ed interpresa dals consorts
Art. 169 H. Acts giuridics dals consorts / II. Abitaziun da la famiglia

Art. 168 H. Acts giuridics dals consorts / I. En general

H. Acts giuridics dals consorts

I. En general

Mintga consort po concluder acts giuridics cun l’auter u cun terzas persunas, sche la lescha na dispona betg autramain.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 167 G. Spouses’ career or business
Art. 169 H. Transactions by the spouses / II. Family home

Art. 168 H. Transactions by the spouses / I. In general

H. Transactions by the spouses

I. In general

Each spouse may enter into transactions with the other or with third parties unless the law provides otherwise. (2009-2021) - A propos
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