Index Fichier unique

Art. 96 B. Impediments per la lètg / II. Lètg precedenta
Art. 97a1Abis. Guntgida dal dretg da persunas estras

Art. 97 A. Princips

A. Princips

1 La lètg vegn concludida davant il funcziunari da stadi civil suenter la procedura da preparaziun.

2 Ils spus pon maridar en il circul da stadi civil da lur tscherna.

3 Ina maridaglia religiusa na dastga betg vegnir fatga avant la maridaglia civila.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 96 B. Impediments / II. Previous marriage
Art. 97a1Abis. Circumvention of the legislation on foreign nationals

Art. 97 A. General principles

A. General principles

1 The wedding ceremony takes place in the presence of the civil registrar after the preparatory procedure has been taken.

2 The engaged couple may marry in the civil register district of their choice.

3 No religious wedding ceremony is permitted prior to the civil ceremony. (2009-2021) - A propos
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