Index Fichier unique

Art. 944 A. Instituziun / I. Register funsil / 2. Inscripziun / b. Excepziuns
Art. 946 A. Instituziun / I. Register funsil / 3. Registers / b. Fegl dal register funsil

Art. 945 A. Instituziun / I. Register funsil / 3. Registers / a. Register principal

3. Registers

a. Register principal

1 Mintga bain immobigliar obtegna in agen fegl ed in agen numer en il register principal.

2 La procedura che sto vegnir observada tar la partiziun d’in bain immobigliar u en cas d’ina reuniun da plirs bains immobigliars, vegn fixada tras in’ordinaziun dal Cussegl federal.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 944 A. Organisation / I. Constituent parts / 2. Registered data / b. Exceptions
Art. 946 A. Organisation / I. Constituent parts / 3. Registers / b. Folio

Art. 945 A. Organisation / I. Constituent parts / 3. Registers / a. Main Register

3. Registers

a. Main Register

1 Each item of immovable property has its own folio and number in the main register.

2 The procedure to be followed in the event of the divaision or consolidation of immovable property is determined by Federal Council ordinance. (2009-2021) - A propos
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