Index Fichier unique

Art. 928 C. Effects / I. Protecziun dal possess / 3. Plant pervia da disturbi dal possess
Art. 930 C. Effects / II. Protecziun giuridica / 1. Presumziun da la proprietad

Art. 929 C. Effects / I. Protecziun dal possess / 4. Admissibladad e surannaziun dal plant

4. Admissibladad e surannaziun dal plant

1 Il plant pervia d’usurpaziun è mo admissibel, sch’il possessur pretenda la restituziun da la chaussa e la dismessa dal disturbi immediatamain suenter ch’el ha survegnì enconuschientscha da l’usurpaziun e da l’usurpader.

2 Il plant surannescha suenter 1 onn; quest termin cumenza a currer cun l’usurpaziun u cun il disturbi, e quai er sch’il possessur ha survegnì pir pli tard enconuschientscha da l’usurpaziun e da l’usurpader.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 928 C. Legal remedies / I. Protection of possession / 3. Action for trespass
Art. 930 C. Legal remedies / II. Remedies / 1. Presumption of ownership

Art. 929 C. Legal remedies / I. Protection of possession / 4. Admissibility and prescription

4. Admissibility and prescription

1 An action for restitution or trespass is only admissible if the possessor sues for restitution of the object or for cessation of trespass immediately on becoming aware of the interference in his or her rights and the identity of the trespasser.

2 The action prescribes one year after the date of the trespass or dispossession even if the claimant did not become aware of the interference in his or her rights and the identity of the trespasser until a later date. (2009-2021) - A propos
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