Index Fichier unique

Art. 907 A. Institut d’emprest cunter pegn / I. Cumpetenza
Art. 909 B. Dretg d’emprest cunter pegn / I. Constituziun

Art. 908 A. Institut d’emprest cunter pegn / II. Durada

II. Durada

1 L’autorisaziun vegn dada ad instituts privats mo per in tschert temp, po dentant vegnir renovada.

2 Ella po vegnir revocada da tut temp, sche l’institut n’observa betg las disposiziuns, a las qualas el è suttamess.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 907 A. Pawnbrokers / I. Licensing
Art. 909 B. Pawning / I. Establishment

Art. 908 A. Pawnbrokers / II. Duration of licence

II. Duration of licence

1 A licences is granted to private pawnbrokers for a specific period only, but may be renewed.

2 A licence may be revoked at any time if the pawnbroker fails to comply with the provisions applicable to his or her business. (2009-2021) - A propos
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