Index Fichier unique

Art. 901 B. Constituziun / II. En cas da vaglias
Art. 903 B. Constituziun / IV. Impegnaziun posteriura

Art. 902 B. Constituziun / III. En cas da titels che represchentan rauba

III. En cas da titels che represchentan rauba

1 Cun impegnar vaglias che represchentan rauba, vegn quella rauba sezza dada a pegn.

2 Sch’igl exista ultra d’ina tala vaglia anc in certificat da pegn spezial (warrant), basta l’impegnaziun da quest certificat da pegn per impegnar la rauba, uschenavant che la constituziun dal pegn vegn inditgada sin questa vaglia ensemen cun l’import da la pretensiun e cun il di da la scadenza.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 901 B. Establishment / II. In the case of securities
Art. 903 B. Establishment / IV. Subordinate pledge

Art. 902 B. Establishment / III. In the case of documents of title to goods

III. In the case of documents of title to goods

1 Where there are documents of title to goods, the goods may be pledged by pledging the documents.

2 Where a special warrant exists in addition to a document of title to goods, pledging the warrant is sufficient to pledge the goods, provided notice of the pledge including the amount of the debt and the maturity date is entered on the document of title. (2009-2021) - A propos
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