Index Fichier unique

Art. 897 B. Special lien / III. In the event of insolvency
Art. 899 A. In general

Art. 898 B. Special lien / IV. Effect

IV. Effect

1 If the debtor is in default and fails to provide sufficient security, the creditor is entitled to realise the retained object in the same manner as a pledged chattel after notifying the debtor.

2 Where retained registered securities are to be realised, the debt enforcement or bankruptcy official must take the necessary steps on the debtor’s behalf.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 897 B. Dretg da retenziun / III. En cas d’insolvenza
Art. 899 A. En general

Art. 898 B. Dretg da retenziun / IV. Effects

IV. Effects

1 Sch’il creditur na survegn ni in pajament ni garanzias suffizientas, dastga el realisar la chaussa retegnida, sco sch’i fiss in pegn manual, suenter avair infurmà precedentamain il debitur.

2 Sche titels nominals èn vegnids retegnids, sto il funcziunari da scussiun u da concurs – sco represchentant dal debitur – far quai ch’è necessari per la realisaziun. (2009-2021) - A propos
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