Index Fichier unique

Art. 890 A. Pledges / II. Extinction / 3. Liability of the pledgee
Art. 892 A. Pledges / III. Effect / 2. Scope of the general lien

Art. 891 A. Pledges / III. Effect / 1. Rights of the pledgee

III. Effect

1. Rights of the pledgee

1 If the debtor is in default the creditor has the right to satisfy his or her claim from the proceeds of the pledge.

2 The general lien provides the creditor with security for his or her claim, including contractual interest, debt enforcement costs and default interest.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 890 A. Pegn manual / II. Fin / 3. Responsabladad dal creditur
Art. 892 A. Pegn manual / III. Effects / 2. Dimensiun da la garanzia ipotecara

Art. 891 A. Pegn manual / III. Effects / 1. Dretgs dal creditur

III. Effects

1. Dretgs dal creditur

1 Il creditur ha il dretg da vegnir pajà or dal retgav ch’è vegnì realisà per il pegn, nun ch’el vegnia cuntentà autramain.

2 Il dretg da pegn al dat la garanzia per la pretensiun inclusiv ils tschains tenor contract, ils custs da scussiun ed ils tschains da retard. (2009-2021) - A propos
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