Index Fichier unique

Art. 889 A. Pegn manual / II. Fin / 2. Obligaziun da restituir
Art. 891 A. Pegn manual / III. Effects / 1. Dretgs dal creditur

Art. 890 A. Pegn manual / II. Fin / 3. Responsabladad dal creditur

3. Responsabladad dal creditur

1 Il creditur stat bun per il donn che resulta da la reducziun da la valur u da la perdita da la chaussa impegnada, nun ch’el cumprovia ch’il donn è succedì senza sia culpa.

2 Sch’il creditur ha alienà u impegnà vinavant arbitrariamain il pegn, stat el bun per tut il donn che resulta da quai.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 889 A. Pledges / II. Extinction / 2. Return
Art. 891 A. Pledges / III. Effect / 1. Rights of the pledgee

Art. 890 A. Pledges / II. Extinction / 3. Liability of the pledgee

3. Liability of the pledgee

1 The pledgee is liable for the depreciation or loss of the pledged chattel, unless he or she shows that he or she is not at fault.

2 If the pledgee has alienated the pledged chattel or given it in further pledge without authority, he or she is liable for any resulting damage. (2009-2021) - A propos
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