Index Fichier unique

Art. 888 A. Pledges / II. Extinction / 1. Loss of possession
Art. 890 A. Pledges / II. Extinction / 3. Liability of the pledgee

Art. 889 A. Pledges / II. Extinction / 2. Return

2. Return

1 The pledgee must return the pledged chattel to the entitled party where the pledge is extinguished due to payment of the debt or for some other reason.

2 He or she is not obliged to return the pledged chattel, in whole or in part, until his or her claim has been fully satisfied.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 888 A. Pegn manual / II. Fin / 1. Perdita dal possess
Art. 890 A. Pegn manual / II. Fin / 3. Responsabladad dal creditur

Art. 889 A. Pegn manual / II. Fin / 2. Obligaziun da restituir

2. Obligaziun da restituir

1 Sch’il dretg da pegn è ì a fin, saja quai tras pajament da la pretensiun u per auters motivs, sto il creditur restituir la chaussa a quel che ha il dretg da quella.

2 Avant ch’el n’è betg vegnì cuntentà dal tuttafatg, na sto el restituir ni ina part ni l’entira chaussa. (2009-2021) - A propos
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