Index Fichier unique

Art. 815 C. Effect / VI. Rank / 3. Vacant ranks
Art. 817 C. Effect / VII. Foreclosure / 2. Distribution of the proceeds

Art. 816 C. Effect / VII. Foreclosure / 1. Mode

VII. Foreclosure

1. Mode

1 In the event of default on the part of the debtor, the creditor has the right to payment out of the proceeds of the sale of the property.

2 Any agreement stipulating that the property subject to the mortgage will become the property of the creditor in the event of default on the part of the debtor is invalid.

3 Where several properties are made subject to a mortgage as security for a single claim, foreclosure proceedings must be brought simultaneously against all such properties, while indivaidual properties are sold only if deemed necessary by the debt enforcement office.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 815 C. Effect / VI. Post da pegn / 3. Posts da pegn libers
Art. 817 C. Effect / VII. Realisaziun dal pegn / 2. Repartiziun dal retgav

Art. 816 C. Effect / VII. Realisaziun dal pegn / 1. Moda da la realisaziun

VII. Realisaziun dal pegn

1. Moda da la realisaziun

1 Il creditur ha il dretg da vegnir pajà or dal retgav ch’è vegnì realisà per il bain immobigliar, nun ch’el vegnia cuntentà autramain.

2 La cunvegna, tenor la quala il creditur duai daventar proprietari dal bain impegnà, sch’el na survegn betg in pajament, è nunvalaivla.

3 Sche plirs bains immobigliars èn impegnads per la medema pretensiun, sto la scussiun per la realisaziun dal pegn immobigliar sa drizzar a medem temp vers tut ils bains; la realisaziun vegn dentant exequida tenor l’ordinaziun da l’uffizi da scussiun mo uschenavant ch’ella è necessaria. (2009-2021) - A propos
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