Index Fichier unique

Art. 787 B. Constituziun ed extincziun / II. Extincziun / 2. Deliberaziun / a. Tras il creditur
Art. 789 B. Constituziun ed extincziun / II. Extincziun / 2. Deliberaziun / c. Pretsch da deliberaziun

Art. 788 B. Constituziun ed extincziun / II. Extincziun / 2. Deliberaziun / b. Tras il debitur

b. Tras il debitur

1 Il debitur po pretender la deliberaziun sin basa d’ina cunvegna e plinavant:

sch’il giudider n’observa betg il contract davart la constituziun da la grevezza funsila;
30 onns suenter la constituziun da la grevezza funsila, e quai er, sch’igl era vegnida fixada ina durada pli lunga u perpetna.

2 Sche la deliberaziun ha lieu suenter 30 onns, sto ella vegnir disditga en mintga cas 1 onn ordavant.

3 Questa deliberaziun è exclusa, sche la grevezza funsila è colliada cun in’autra servitut funsila da durada perpetna.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 787 B. Establishment and extinction / II. Extinction / 2. Redemption / a. By the creditor
Art. 789 B. Establishment and extinction / II. Extinction / 2. Redemption / c. Redemption sum

Art. 788 B. Establishment and extinction / II. Extinction / 2. Redemption / b. By the debtor

b. By the debtor

1 The debtor may request redemption of the real burden by agreement, and also:

if the beneficiary fails to abide by the agreement establishing the real burden;
if the real burden has been in existence for thirty years, even where a longer duration or a charge in perpetuity was agreed.

2 If the debtor wishes to redeem the charge after thirty years, he or she must in every case give notice of termination one year in advance.

3 The real burden may not be redeemed in such manner if it is linked with a perpetual easement. (2009-2021) - A propos
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