Index Fichier unique

Art. 771 A. Giudida / V. Cas spezials / 1. Bains immobigliars / d. Minieras
Art. 773 A. Giudida / V. Cas spezials / 3. Pretensiuns / a. Cuntegn

Art. 772 A. Giudida / V. Cas spezials / 2. Chaussas consumablas e stimadas

2. Chaussas consumablas e stimadas

1 Il giudider daventa proprietari da chaussas consumablas, nun che quai saja disponì autramain; el sto dentant indemnisar la valur che las chaussas avevan al cumenzament da la giudida.

2 Sche autras chaussas moviblas vegnan surdadas sin basa d’ina stimaziun, po il giudider disponer libramain da talas, nun che quai saja disponì autramain; sch’el fa diever da quest dretg, sto el dentant indemnisar la valur da las chaussas.

3 Installaziuns agriculas, scossas, magasins e chaussas sumegliantas pon vegnir indemnisads tras chaussas da la medema spezia e da la medema qualitad.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 771 A. Usufruct / V. Special cases / 1. Land / d. Mines
Art. 773 A. Usufruct / V. Special cases / 3. Claims / a. Scope

Art. 772 A. Usufruct / V. Special cases / 2. Consumables and valued chattels

2. Consumables and valued chattels

1 In the absence of an agreement to the contrary, the usufructuary becomes the owner of consumable objects but is liable to replace the value they had at the beginning of the usufruct.

2 Where any other chattels which have been valued are transferred to the usufructuary he or she may, in the absence of an agreement to the contrary, freely dispose of them but is liable for their replacement if he or she exercises such right.

3 Agricultural equipment, herds of animals, stores of goods and the like may be replaced with objects of the same kind and quality. (2009-2021) - A propos
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