Index Fichier unique

Art. 74 C. Membership / V. Protection of the objects of the association
Art. 75a1Cbis. Liability

Art. 75 C. Membership / VI. Protection of members

VI. Protection of members

Any member who has not consented to a resolution which infringes the law or the articles of association is entitled by law to challenge such resolution in court within one month of learning thereof.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 74 C. Commembranza / V. Protecziun da l’intent da l’uniun
Art. 75a1Cbis. Responsabladad

Art. 75 C. Commembranza / VI. Protecziun dals dretgs dals commembers

VI. Protecziun dals dretgs dals commembers

Mintga commember che n’ha betg approvà conclus che violeschan la lescha u ils statuts po – tenor la lescha ed entaifer 1 mais suenter ch’el ha survegnì enconuschientscha da tals – contestar quels davant il derschader. (2009-2021) - A propos
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