Index Fichier unique

Art. 721 B. Modas d’acquistar / III. Chat / 2. Conservaziun ed ingiant public
Art. 723 B. Modas d’acquistar / III. Chat / 4. Stgazi

Art. 722 B. Modas d’acquistar / III. Chat / 3. Acquisiziun da proprietad, restituziun

3. Acquisiziun da proprietad, restituziun

1 Tgi che ademplescha sias obligaziuns da chattader, acquista la proprietad da la chaussa, suenter ch’il proprietari n’ha betg pudì vegnir eruì entaifer 5 onns dapi la publicaziun u dapi l’annunzia.

1bis En cas d’animals che vegnan tegnids en il sectur chasan e che na vegnan betg tegnids per intents da facultad u per intents da gudogn, importa il termin 2 mais.1

1ter Sch’il chattader confida l’animal ad ina pensiun d’animals cun la voluntad da renunziar definitivamain a la proprietad da quel, po la pensiun d’animals disponer libramain da l’animal 2 mais suenter che quel è vegnì confidà ad ella.2

2 Sche la chaussa vegn restituida, ha il chattader il dretg da survegnir ina indemnisaziun per tut las expensas sco er ina recumpensa adequata.

3 Sch’ina chaussa vegn chattada en ina chasa abitada u en in institut che serva al diever u al traffic public, vegn il patrun-chasa, il locatari u l’institut resguardà sco chattader, senza ch’els hajan dentant il dretg d’ina recumpensa al chattader.

1 Integrà tras la cifra I da la LF dals 4 d’oct. 2002 (artitgel da princip concernent animals), en vigur dapi il 1. d’avr. 2003 (AS 2003 463; BBl 2002 4164 5806).
2 Integrà tras la cifra I da la LF dals 4 d’oct. 2002 (artitgel da princip concernent animals), en vigur dapi il 1. d’avr. 2003 (AS 2003 463; BBl 2002 4164 5806).

Index Fichier unique

Art. 721 B. Forms of acquisition / III. Found property / 2. Safekeeping and auction
Art. 723 B. Forms of acquisition / III. Found property / 4. Treasure trove

Art. 722 B. Forms of acquisition / III. Found property / 3. Acquisition of ownership, return

3. Acquisition of ownership, return

1 A person who has discharged his or her duties as finder acquires ownership of the find if it has not been possible to trace the rightful owner within five years of the announcement or public notice being given of the find.

1bis In the case of animals kept as pets rather than for investment or commercial purposes, the period is two months.1

1ter If the finder puts the animal in a home with the intention of renouncing its ownership, on expiry of the two-month period the animal home is at liberty to dispose of the animal as it sees fit.2

2 If the find is returned to its owner, the finder is entitled to compensation for all outlays and to a suitable finder’s reward.

3 In the case of a find made in an occupied house or on premises used for public services or public transport, the head of the household, tenant or supervisor is deemed to be the finder but is not entitled to any finder’s reward.

1 Inserted by No I of the FA of 4 Oct. 2002 (Article of Basic Principles: Animals), in force since 1 April 2003 (AS 2003 463; BBl 2002 4164 5806).
2 Inserted by No I of the FA of 4 Oct. 2002 (Article of Basic Principles: Animals), in force since 1 April 2003 (AS 2003 463; BBl 2002 4164 5806). (2009-2021) - A propos
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