Index Fichier unique

Art. 712n D. Organisaziun / I. Radunanza dals proprietaris en condomini / 2. Convocaziun e presidi
Art. 712p D. Organisaziun / I. Radunanza dals proprietaris en condomini / 4. Abilitad da decider

Art. 712o D. Organisaziun / I. Radunanza dals proprietaris en condomini / 3. Execuziun dal dretg da votar

3. Execuziun dal dretg da votar

1 Pliras persunas che possedan cuminaivlamain in plaun han mo ina vusch che vegn exprimida d’in represchentant.

2 Medemamain ston il proprietari ed il giudider d’in plaun sa cunvegnir davart l’execuziun dal dretg da votar; cas cuntrari ha il giudider il dretg da votar davart tut las dumondas concernent l’administraziun, cun excepziun da las mesiras da construcziun ch’èn mo nizzaivlas u che servan mo per embellir e per render pli cumadaivlas las localitads.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 712n D. Organisation / I. Assembly of condominium owners / 2. Convening and chairing meetings
Art. 712p D. Organisation / I. Assembly of condominium owners / 4. Quorum

Art. 712o D. Organisation / I. Assembly of condominium owners / 3. Voting rights

3. Voting rights

1 Where a unit is owned by more than one person, these persons together have only one vote, to be cast by one of their number as their representative.

2 Similarly, the owner and the usufructuary of a unit must agree on the exercise of their voting rights, failing which the usufructuary is deemed to hold the right to vote on all administrative matters with the exception of building work carried out for merely useful or decorative purposes or to enhance comfort or convenience. (2009-2021) - A propos
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