Index Fichier unique

Art. 700 B. Restricziuns / IV. Dretg d’access e da defensiun / 2. Allontanament da chaussas e d’animals
Art. 702 B. Restricziuns / V. Restricziuns da dretg public / 1. En general

Art. 701 B. Restricziuns / IV. Dretg d’access e da defensiun / 3. Defensiun cunter privels e cunter donns

3. Defensiun cunter privels e cunter donns

1 Sch’insatgi po preservar sasez u auters d’in donn smanatschant u d’in privel preschent mo cun intervegnir en la proprietad funsila d’ina terza persuna, è quella obligada da tolerar quai, uschenavant ch’il privel u il donn che sto vegnir parà è considerablamain pli grond ch’il donn che vegn chaschunà al proprietari tras l’intervenziun en sia proprietad.

2 Per il donn che resulta qua tras sto vegnir prestada ina indemnisaziun adequata.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 700 B. Limitations / IV. Right of access and to ward off danger / 2. Retrieval of driftage and the like
Art. 702 B. Limitations / V. Public law restrictions on ownership / 1. In general

Art. 701 B. Limitations / IV. Right of access and to ward off danger / 3. Trespass to ward off danger or damage

3. Trespass to ward off danger or damage

1 If a person is able to ward off imminent damage or present danger from himself or herself or others only by trespassing on land belonging to another, the latter is obliged to tolerate such trespass to the extent that such danger or damage would be considerably greater than the detriment caused by the trespass.

2 Appropriate compensation is owed for any resultant damage. (2009-2021) - A propos
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