Index Fichier unique

Art. 629 C. Calculation method / II. Correlation with share of the estate
Art. 631 D. Education costs

Art. 630 C. Calculation method / III. Hotchpot value

III. Hotchpot value

1 Hotchpot is calculated according to the value of the advancements on succession or, where the advanced property has previously been sold, the sale proceeds obtained.

2 Any expenditure on and damage to the property and the natural produce derived therefrom must be allowed for among the heirs according to the rules governing possession.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 629 C. Moda da calculaziun / II. Donaziuns che surpassan la part d’ierta
Art. 631 D. Custs d’educaziun

Art. 630 C. Moda da calculaziun / III. Moda da calcular

III. Moda da calcular

1 La gulivaziun vegn fatga tenor la valur che las donaziuns han il mument che la successiun d’ierta vegn averta u tenor il pretsch da vendita, sche la chaussa è vegnida alienada.

2 Areguard expensas ed areguard donns sco er areguard fritgs retratgs valan tranter ils ertavels las reglas davart il possess. (2009-2021) - A propos
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