Index Fichier unique

Art. 62 A. Formation / III. Associations lacking legal personality
Art. 64 B. Organisation / I. General meeting / 1. Function, convening of meetings

Art. 63 A. Formation / IV. Relationship between articles of association and the law

IV. Relationship between articles of association and the law

1 Where the articles of association do not provide rules for the association’s organisation or its relationship with its members, the following provisions apply.

2 Mandatory provisions of law cannot be altered by the articles of association.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 62 A. Fundaziun / III. Uniuns senza persunalitad
Art. 64 B. Organisaziun / I. Radunanza generala / 1. Impurtanza e convocaziun

Art. 63 A. Fundaziun / IV. Relaziun tranter statuts e lescha

IV. Relaziun tranter statuts e lescha

1 Sch’ils statuts na cuntegnan naginas prescripziuns davart l’organisaziun e davart la relaziun da l’uniun tar ses commembers, vegnan applitgadas las disposiziuns qua sutvart.

2 Ils statuts na pon betg midar disposiziuns che ston vegnir applitgadas tenor la lescha. (2009-2021) - A propos
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