Index Fichier unique

Art. 626 A. Hotchpot duty of the heirs
Art. 628 C. Calculation method / I. In kind or by imputation of value

Art. 627 B. Hotchpot if heirs cease to be heirs

B. Hotchpot if heirs cease to be heirs

1 If a person ceases to be an heir before or after succession, his or her duty of hotchpot passes to the heirs that replace him or her.

2 The issue of an heir have a duty of hotchpot in respect of advancements made in his or her favour even if those advancements have not devolved on them.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 626 A. Obligaziun da gulivar
Art. 628 C. Moda da calculaziun / I. Bittar en u metter a quint

Art. 627 B. Gulivaziun en cas ch’ertavels crodan davent

B. Gulivaziun en cas ch’ertavels crodan davent

1 Sch’in ertavel croda davent avant u suenter che la successiun d’ierta vegn averta, passa sia obligaziun da metter en la gulivaziun vi sin ils ertavels che remplazzan quel.

2 Ils descendents d’in ertavel èn obligads da laschar gulivar las donaziuns che quel ha survegnì, er sche quellas n’èn betg passadas ad els. (2009-2021) - A propos
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