Index Fichier unique

Art. 604 B. Dretg da partiziun
Art. 606 D. Dretgs dals cussedents

Art. 605 C. Suspensiun da la partiziun

C. Suspensiun da la partiziun

1 Sch’i sto vegnir prendì resguard sin ils dretgs d’in uffant anc betg naschì, sto la partiziun da l’ierta vegnir suspendida fin al mument da sia naschientscha.

2 Durant quest temp ha la mamma il dretg da giudida da la facultad cuminaivel, uschenavant che quai è necessari per ses mantegniment.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 604 B. Right to divaision
Art. 606 D. Claims of household members

Art. 605 C. Deferral of divaision

C. Deferral of divaision

1 If on succession the rights of an unborn child need to be taken into consideration, the divaision of the estate must be deferred until the child is born.

2 In the interim, the child’s mother is entitled to enjoy the benefits of the joint estate to the extent required for her maintenance. (2009-2021) - A propos
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