Index Fichier unique

Art. 594 A. Premissa / II. Dumonda dals crediturs dal testader
Art. 596 B. Procedura / II. Liquidaziun ordinaria

Art. 595 B. Procedura / I. Administraziun

B. Procedura

I. Administraziun

1 La liquidaziun uffiziala vegn exequida tras l’autoritad cumpetenta u – per incumbensa da quella – tras in u tras plirs administraturs d’ierta.

2 Ella cumenza cun l’inventarisaziun ch’è colliada cun in clom da quints.

3 L’administratur d’ierta è suttamess a la surveglianza da l’autoritad; ils ertavels pon recurrer tar quella cunter las decisiuns che l’administratur ha prendì u ha l’intenziun da prender.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 594 A. Requirements / II. At the request of the deceased’s creditors
Art. 596 B. Procedure / liquidation

Art. 595 B. Procedure / I. Administration

B. Procedure

I. Administration

1 The official liquidation is carried out by the competent authority or by one or more estate administrators acting at the authority’s behest.

2 It begins with the taking of an inventory and the attendant formal call to account.

3 The estate administrator is under the authority’s supervision and the heirs may appeal to the authority against any measures taken or planned by the administrator. (2009-2021) - A propos
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