Index Fichier unique

Art. 577 B. Disclaimer / VI. Disclaimer of a legacy
Art. 579 B. Disclaimer / VIII. Liability in the event of disclaimer

Art. 578 B. Disclaimer / VII. Security for the heir’s creditors

VII. Security for the heir’s creditors

1 Where an overindebted heir has disclaimed an inheritance in order to withhold it from his or her creditors, the latter or the bankruptcy administrators may challenge the disclaimer within six months unless their claims are secured.

2 If their challenge is upheld, the inheritance is placed in official liquidation.

3 Any surplus serves first to satisfy the challenging creditors and any balance remaining after redemption of the other debts passes to the heirs in whose favour the disclaimer was made.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 577 B. Refusa / VI. Refusa d’in legat
Art. 579 B. Refusa / VIII. Responsabladad en cas da la refusa

Art. 578 B. Refusa / VII. Protecziun dals dretgs dals crediturs da l’ertavel

VII. Protecziun dals dretgs dals crediturs da l’ertavel

1 Sch’in ertavel insolvent refusa l’ierta cun l’intent da betg laschar vegnir quella en ils mauns da ses crediturs, pon quels u l’administraziun da concurs contestar la refusa entaifer 6 mais, sche lur dretgs na vegnan betg garantids.

2 Sche lur contestaziun vegn approvada, vegn l’ierta liquidada uffizialmain.

3 In surpli activ vegn duvrà en emprima lingia per cuntentar ils crediturs che han contestà la refusa e croda, suenter che er ils auters debits èn pajads, als ertavels a favur dals quals la refusa è vegnida fatga. (2009-2021) - A propos
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