Index Fichier unique

Art. 574 B. Refusa / IV. Refusa tras tut ils ertavels ils pli proxims / 2. Dretg dal consort survivent
Art. 576 B. Refusa / V. Prolungaziun dal termin

Art. 575 B. Refusa / IV. Refusa tras tut ils ertavels ils pli proxims / 3. Refusa a favur d’ertavels pli allontanads

3. Refusa a favur d’ertavels pli allontanads

1 Refusond l’ierta pon ils ertavels pretender che l’autoritad dumondia – avant che liquidar l’ierta – ils ertavels che suondan els directamain.

2 En quest cas infurmescha l’autoritad ils ertavels pli allontanads ch’ils ertavels ils pli proxims hajan refusà l’ierta, e sch’els na decleran betg entaifer 1 mais da l’acceptar, vala l’ierta er sco refusada dad els.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 574 B. Disclaimer / IV. Disclaimer by all the nearest heirs / 2. Entitlement of surviving spouse
Art. 576 B. Disclaimer / V. Extension of time limit

Art. 575 B. Disclaimer / IV. Disclaimer by all the nearest heirs / 3. Disclaimer in favour of subsequent heirs

3. Disclaimer in favour of subsequent heirs

1 When disclaiming the inheritance, the heirs may request that it be offered to their subsequent heirs before the estate is liquidated.

2 In this event, the authority informs the subsequent heirs that the preceding heirs have disclaimed, and if the former fail to declare their acceptance of the inheritance within one month, they are likewise deemed to have disclaimed it. (2009-2021) - A propos
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