Index Fichier unique

Art. 562 A. Vesting / III. Legatees / 1. Vesting
Art. 564 A. Vesting / III. Legatees / 3. Relationship between creditors and legatees

Art. 563 A. Vesting / III. Legatees / 2. Object

2. Object

1 Where the bequest to the legatee is a usufruct or annuity or other recurring benefit, unless otherwise stipulated, his or her claim is determined according to the provisions of property law and the Code of Obligations.

2 If the legacy is a life assurance claim maturing on the death of the testator, the legatee is entitled to assert that claim directly.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 562 A. Acquist / III. Legataris / 1. Acquist dal legat
Art. 564 A. Acquist / III. Legataris / 3. Relaziun tranter creditur e legatari

Art. 563 A. Acquist / III. Legataris / 2. Object dal legat

2. Object dal legat

1 Sch’i n’è betg disponì autramain, èn ils legats da giudida, da rentas u d’autras prestaziuns periodicas suttamess a las prescripziuns dals dretgs reals e dal Dretg d’obligaziuns.

2 Sch’il legat consista d’ina assicuranza fatga sin la mort dal testader, po il legatari far valair directamain ses dretgs. (2009-2021) - A propos
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