Index Fichier unique

Art. 556 E. Probate proceedings / I. Duty to submit the will
Art. 558 E. Probate proceedings / III. Notification of interested parties

Art. 557 E. Probate proceedings / II. Reading the will

II. Reading the will

1 The testator’s will must be opened and read out by the competent authority within one month of its submission.

2 All heirs known to the authority are summoned to attend the reading.

3 If the testator left more than one will, all are to be submitted to the authority and opened and read out by it.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 556 E. Avertura dal testament / I. Obligaziun da consegna
Art. 558 E. Avertura dal testament / III. Communicaziun als participads

Art. 557 E. Avertura dal testament / II. Avertura

II. Avertura

1 Il testament sto vegnir avert da l’autoritad cumpetenta entaifer 1 mais, dapi ch’el è vegnì consegnà ad ella.

2 Ils ertavels enconuschents a l’autoritad vegnan envidads da quella a l’avertura dal testament.

3 Sch’il testader ha relaschà plirs testaments, ston tuts vegnir consegnads a l’autoritad e vegnir averts da quella. (2009-2021) - A propos
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