Index Fichier unique

Art. 533 B. Plant da reducziun / IV. Surannaziun
Art. 535 B. Gulivaziun en cas da renunzia a l’ierta / I. Reducziun

Art. 534 A. Transferiment tranter vivs

A. Transferiment tranter vivs

1 Sch’il testader è anc en vita e transferescha sia facultad sin l’ertavel contractual, po quel laschar far in inventari public.

2 Sch’il testader n’ha betg transferì tut sia facultad u ha acquistà facultad suenter il transferiment, sa referescha il contract mo a la facultad transferida, nun ch’i saja vegnì disponì insatge auter.

3 Uschenavant che la facultad è vegnida transferida durant ch’il testader era anc en vita, van ils dretgs e las obligaziuns als ertavels da l’ertavel instituì, nun ch’i saja vegnì disponì insatge auter.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 533 B. Action in abatement / IV. Prescription
Art. 535 B. Hotchpot in the case of renunciation of inheritance / I. Abatement

Art. 534 A. Claims in respect of lifetime transfers

A. Claims in respect of lifetime transfers

1 If the testator transfers his or her property during his or her lifetime to the contractual heir, the latter may arrange for a public inventory to be taken.

2 Where the testator has not transferred all his or her property or has acquired property since the transfer, except where otherwise provided the contract applies only to the property transferred.

3 Where such transfer takes place during the testator’s lifetime, except where otherwise provided all rights and obligations arising from the contract pass to the heirs of the named heir. (2009-2021) - A propos
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