Index Fichier unique

Art. 515 B. Contract d’ierta / II. Aboliziun / 2. L’ertavel mora avant il testader
Art. 517 A. Surdada da l’incumbensa

Art. 516 C. Restricziun dal dretg da disponer

C. Restricziun dal dretg da disponer

Sche la libertad da disponer dal testader vegn restrenschida, suenter ch’el ha fatg ina disposiziun per causa da mort, na vegn la disposiziun betg abolida; ella vegn dentant suttamessa al plant da reducziun.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 515 B. Contracts of succession / II. Revocation / 2. Predeceased heir
Art. 517 A. Appointment of executors

Art. 516 C. Restriction of testamentary freedom

C. Restriction of testamentary freedom

If a testator becomes subject to a restriction of testamentary freedom after he or she has made a testamentary disposition, the disposition is not annulled but is subject to action in abatement. (2009-2021) - A propos
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