Index Fichier unique

Art. 514 B. Contracts of succession / II. Revocation / 1. Inter vivos / b. By withdrawal from the contract
Art. 516 C. Restriction of testamentary freedom

Art. 515 B. Contracts of succession / II. Revocation / 2. Predeceased heir

2. Predeceased heir

1 Where the heir or legatee does not survive the testator, the contract becomes void.

2 Where at the time of the heir’s death the testator has been enriched as a result of the contract of succession, unless otherwise provided, the heirs of the deceased may demand restitution of the amount involved.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 514 B. Contract d’ierta / II. Aboliziun / 1. Tranter vivs / b. Tras retratga dal contract
Art. 516 C. Restricziun dal dretg da disponer

Art. 515 B. Contract d’ierta / II. Aboliziun / 2. L’ertavel mora avant il testader

2. L’ertavel mora avant il testader

1 Sche l’ertavel u sch’il legatari mora avant il testader, scroda il contract.

2 Sch’il testader è enritgì tras il contract, cur che l’ertavel mora, pon ils ertavels dal defunct pretender che l’enritgiment vegnia restituì, nun ch’igl existia ina disposiziun cuntraria. (2009-2021) - A propos
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