Index Fichier unique

Art. 488 F. Instituziun d’ertavels posteriurs / I. Designaziun da l’ertavel posteriur
Art. 490 F. Instituziun d’ertavels posteriurs / III. Garanzias

Art. 489 F. Instituziun d’ertavels posteriurs / II. Mument da la surdada

II. Mument da la surdada

1 Sco mument da la surdada sto vegnir considerada la mort da l’emprim ertavel, nun che la disposiziun fixeschia insatge auter.

2 Sch’i vegn numnà in auter mument che n’è betg anc entrà, cur che l’emprim ertavel mora, va l’ierta – cunter ina garanzia – als ertavels da l’emprim ertavel.

3 Sch’il mument na po betg pli entrar per in motiv u l’auter, va l’ierta definitivamain als ertavels da l’emprim ertavel.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 488 F. Remaindermen / I. Designation of a remainderman
Art. 490 F. Remaindermen / III. Security

Art. 489 F. Remaindermen / II. Time of delivery

II. Time of delivery

1 Except where the disposition stipulates otherwise, the time of delivery is deemed to be the death of the provisional heir.

2 Where a different time is specified and that time has not yet occurred on the death of the provisional heir, the inheritance passes to his or her heirs against security.

3 If for whatever reason that time may no longer occur, the inheritance passes unreservedly to the heirs of the provisional heir. (2009-2021) - A propos
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