Index Fichier unique

Art. 486 D. Legat / III. Relaziun cun l’ierta
Art. 488 F. Instituziun d’ertavels posteriurs / I. Designaziun da l’ertavel posteriur

Art. 487 E. Disposiziun substitutiva

E. Disposiziun substitutiva

En sia disposiziun po il testader designar ina u pliras persunas che duain survegnir l’ierta u il legat, en cas che l’ertavel u ch’il legatari mora avant il testader u refusa l’ierta u il legat.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 486 D. Legacy / III. Relationship to the estate
Art. 488 F. Remaindermen / I. Designation of a remainderman

Art. 487 E. Substitution

E. Substitution

In his or her disposition, the testator may designate one or more persons to whom the estate or legacy shall pass in the event that the initial heir or legatee is predeceased or disclaims it. (2009-2021) - A propos
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