Index Fichier unique

Art. 438 F. Measures restricting freedom of movement
Art. 440 A. Adult protection authority

Art. 439 G. Petition to the court

G. Petition to the court

1 In the following cases, the patient or a closely related person may petition the competent court in writing:

in cases of hospitalisation ordered by a doctor;
in cases where the patient is detained by the institution;
in cases where a request for discharge is refused by the institution;
in cases where a mental disorder is treated without consent;
in cases of measures restricting freedom of movement.

2 The deadline for appealing to the court is ten days from the date on which notice of the decision is given. In the case of measures restricting freedom of movement, an appeal may be made to the court at any time.

3 The procedure is governed mutatis mutandis by the provisions on proceedings before a judicial appellate authority.

4 An application for judicial assessment must be passed on to the competent court immediately.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 438 F. Mesiras per restrenscher la libertad da sa mover
Art. 440 A. Autoritad per la protecziun da creschids

Art. 439 G. Appellaziun a la dretgira

G. Appellaziun a la dretgira

1 La persuna pertutgada u ina persuna da sia confidenza po appellar en scrit a la dretgira responsabla en ils suandants cas:

en cas d’in plazzament decretà dal medi;
en cas d’ina retenziun tras l’institut;
en cas che la dumonda da relaschada vegn refusada da l’institut;
en cas d’in tractament d’in disturbi psichic senza consentiment;
en cas da mesiras per restrenscher la libertad da sa mover.

2 Il termin per appellar a la dretgira importa 10 dis a partir da la communicaziun da la decisiun. En cas da mesiras per restrenscher la libertad da sa mover po la dretgira vegnir appellada da tut temp.

3 La procedura sa drizza analogamain tenor las disposiziuns davart la procedura davant l’instanza giudiziala da recurs.

4 Mintga dumonda per in giudicat giudizial sto vegnir tramessa immediatamain a la dretgira responsabla. (2009-2021) - A propos
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