Index Fichier unique

Art. 429 B. Responsibility for hospitalisation and discharge / II. Doctors / 1. Responsibility
Art. 431 C. Regular review

Art. 430 B. Responsibility for hospitalisation and discharge / II. Doctors / 2. Procedures

2. Procedures

1 The doctor shall examine and interview the patient in person.

2 The hospitalisation order shall contain at least the following information:

the place and date of the examination;
the name of the doctor;
the diagnosis, reasons therefor and the purpose of hospitalisation;
instructions on rights of appeal.

3 An appeal does not have suspensive effect unless the doctor or the competent court orders otherwise.

4 A copy of the hospitalisation order shall be given to the patient; a further copy shall be given to the institution on the patient's admission.

5 The doctor shall if possible notify a person closely related to the patient in writing on his or her committal and on the rights of appeal.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 429 B. Cumpetenza per il plazzament e per la relaschada / II. Medis / 1. Cumpetenza
Art. 431 C. Examinaziun periodica

Art. 430 B. Cumpetenza per il plazzament e per la relaschada / II. Medis / 2. Procedura

2. Procedura

1 Il medi visitescha persunalmain la persuna pertutgada e taidla tge ch’ella di.

2 La decisiun da plazzament cuntegna almain las suandantas indicaziuns:

il lieu e la data da la visita medicala;
il num dal medi;
la diagnosa, ils motivs e l’intent dal plazzament;
l’indicaziun dals meds legals.

3 Il med legal n’ha betg in effect suspensiv, premess ch’il medi u il derschader responsabel na disponia betg insatge auter.

4 In exemplar da la decisiun da plazzament vegn surdà a la persuna pertutgada; in ulteriur exemplar vegn preschentà a l’institut tar la recepziun da la persuna pertutgada.

5 Il medi infurmescha sche pussaivel ina persuna da confidenza da la persuna pertutgada en scrit davart il plazzament e davart l’autorisaziun d’appellar a la dretgira. (2009-2021) - A propos
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