Index Fichier unique

Art. 425 D. Final report and final accounts
Art. 427 A. The measures / II. Detention of persons admitted voluntarily

Art. 426 A. The measures / I. Hospitalisation for treatment or care

A. The measures

I. Hospitalisation for treatment or care

1 A person suffering from a mental disorder or mental disability or serious neglect (the patient) may be committed to an appropriate institution if the required treatment or care cannot be provided otherwise.

2 The burden that the patient places on family members and third parties and their protection must be taken into account.

3 The patient shall be discharged as soon as the requirements for hospitalisation no longer are fulfilled.

4 The patient or a closely related person may request his or her discharge at any time. A decision must be made on the request immediately.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 425 D. Rapport final e quint final
Art. 427 A. Las mesiras / II. Retenziun da persunas entradas voluntarmain

Art. 426 A. Las mesiras / I. Plazzament per il tractament u per l’assistenza

A. Las mesiras

I. Plazzament per il tractament u per l’assistenza

1 Ina persuna che patescha d’in disturbi psichic u d’in impediment spiertal u ch’è grevamain negligida dastga vegnir plazzada en in institut adattà, sch’il tractament necessari u l’assistenza na po betg vegnir realisà en autra moda.

2 La grevezza e la protecziun dals confamigliars e da terzas persunas ston vegnir resguardadas.

3 La persuna pertutgada vegn relaschada, uschespert che las premissas per ses plazzament n’èn betg pli ademplidas.

4 La persuna pertutgada u ina persuna da sia confidenza po dumandar da tut temp la relaschada. Davart questa dumonda stoi vegnir decidì senza retardar. (2009-2021) - A propos
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