Index Fichier unique

Art. 41 A. Registers / III. Proof of undisputed information
Art. 43 A. Registers / IV. Rectification / 2. By the register authorities

Art. 42 A. Registers / IV. Rectification / 1. By court order

IV. Rectification

1. By court order

1 Any person who satisfies the court that he or she has a personal interest warranting protection may seek an order for the registration of disputed information concerning personal status or the rectification or removal of an entry. The court shall hear the relevant cantonal supervisory authority, to which it shall notify its judgment.

2 The cantonal supervisory authorities are likewise entitled to make such applications.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 41 A. Register / III. Cumprova d’indicaziuns nundispitaivlas
Art. 43 A. Register / IV. Repassada / 2. Tras las autoritads da stadi civil

Art. 42 A. Register / IV. Repassada / 1. Tras il derschader

IV. Repassada

1. Tras il derschader

1 Tgi che cumprova in interess persunal ch’è degn da vegnir protegì, po dumandar il derschader da registrar indicaziuns dispitaivlas davart il stadi civil, da curreger u d’annullar ina registraziun. Il derschader taidla las autoritads chantunalas da surveglianza pertutgadas e las trametta la sentenzia.

2 Las autoritads chantunalas da surveglianza han er il dretg da purtar plant. (2009-2021) - A propos
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