Index Fichier unique

Art. 403 B. Impediment e collisiun d’interess
Art. 405 A. Surpigliada da l’uffizi

Art. 404 C. Indemnisaziun e spesas

C. Indemnisaziun e spesas

1 Il procuratur ha il dretg d’ina indemnisaziun adequata e d’ina cumpensaziun da las spesas necessarias, pajadas or da la facultad da la persuna pertutgada. Sch’il procuratur è in procuratur professiunal, van l’indemnisaziun e la cumpensaziun da las spesas al patrun.

2 L’autoritad per la protecziun da creschids fixescha l’autezza da l’indemnisaziun. En quest connex resguarda ella spezialmain la dimensiun e la cumplexitad da las incumbensas surdadas al procuratur.

3 Ils chantuns decreteschan disposiziuns executivas e reglan l’indemnisaziun e la cumpensaziun da las spesas, sche quellas na pon betg vegnir pajadas da la facultad da la persuna pertutgada.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 403 B. Incapacity and conflict of interests
Art. 405 A. Assumption of office

Art. 404 C. Remuneration and expenses

C. Remuneration and expenses

1 The deputy is entitled to appropriate remuneration and to the reimbursement of necessary expenses from the assets of the client. In the case of professional deputies, the remuneration is paid and expenses reimbursed by the employer.

2 The adult protection authority determines the level of remuneration. It takes account in particular of the extent and the complexity of the tasks assigned to the deputy.

3 The cantons shall issue implementing provisions and rules on remuneration and reimbursing expenses if they cannot be paid out of the assets of the client. (2009-2021) - A propos
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