Index Fichier unique

Art. 398 E. General deputyship
Art. 400 A. Appointment / I. General requirements

Art. 399

1 The deputyship ends by law on the death of the client.

2 The adult protection authority shall terminate a deputyship at the request of the client or of a closely associated person or ex officio as soon as there is no reason for it to continue.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 398 E. Curatella cumplessiva
Art. 400 A. Nominaziun / I. Premissas generalas

Art. 399

1 Tenor la lescha finescha la curatella cun la mort da la persuna pertutgada.

2 L’autoritad per la protecziun da creschids annullescha ina curatella sin dumonda da la persuna pertutgada u d’ina persuna da confidenza u d’uffizi, sch’i na dat nagin motiv pli per la cuntinuar. (2009-2021) - A propos
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