Index Fichier unique

Art. 35 C. Cumenzament e fin da la persunalitad / III. Decleraziun da spariziun / 1. En general
Art. 37 C. Cumenzament e fin da la persunalitad / III. Decleraziun da spariziun / 3. Scadenza da la dumonda

Art. 36 C. Cumenzament e fin da la persunalitad / III. Decleraziun da spariziun / 2. Procedura

2. Procedura

1 La dumonda po vegnir fatga suenter la scadenza d’almain 1 onn dapi che la persuna è sparida en privel da mort u da 5 onns suenter l’ultim messadi.

2 Cun in appel uffizial ed adequat envida il derschader tuts che pon far indicaziuns davart la persuna sparida u absenta da s’annunziar entaifer in tschert termin fixà.

3 Quest termin sto vegnir fixà ad almain 1 onn dapi l’emprima publicaziun.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 35 C. Beginning and end of personality rights / III. Declaration of presumed death / 1. In general
Art. 37 C. Beginning and end of personality rights / III. Declaration of presumed death / 3. Failure of application

Art. 36 C. Beginning and end of personality rights / III. Declaration of presumed death / 2. Procedure

2. Procedure

1 The application may be made when at least one year has elapsed since the life-threatening event or five years have elapsed since the last sign of life.

2 The court must, by suitable public means, call on any person who may provide information about the missing person to come forward within a specified period.

3 The period shall run for at least one year following the first public notice. (2009-2021) - A propos
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