Index Fichier unique

Art. 339 B. Ownership in undivaided shares / III. Effect / 1. Type of ownership
Art. 341 B. Ownership in undivided shares / III. Effect / 2. Management and representation / b. Manager's powers

Art. 340 B. Ownership in undivaided shares / III. Effect / 2. Management and representation / a. In general

2. Management and representation

a. In general

1 The affairs of the joint ownership in undivaided shares are regulated by all the co-owners acting collectively.

2 Each co-owner may take ordinary administrative actions on his own initiative.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 339 B. Indivaisiuns / III. Effect / 1. Spezia d’indivaisiun
Art. 341 B. Indivisiuns / III. Effect / 2. Direcziun e represchentanza / b. Cumpetenza dal parsura

Art. 340 B. Indivaisiuns / III. Effect / 2. Direcziun e represchentanza / a. En general

2. Direcziun e represchentanza

a. En general

1 Ils affars da l’indivaisiun vegnan administrads cuminaivlamain da tut ils commembers.

2 Mintgin dad els po far acts administrativs ordinaris senza la cooperaziun dals auters. (2009-2021) - A propos
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