Index Fichier unique

Art. 337 B. Indivaisiuns / I. Constituziun / 2. Furma
Art. 339 B. Indivisiuns / III. Effect / 1. Spezia d’indivisiun

Art. 338 B. Indivaisiuns / II. Durada

II. Durada

1 L’indivaisiun po vegnir concludida per in temp limità u per in temp illimità.

2 Sch’ella è vegnida concludida per in temp illimità, po mintga commember disdir ella, observond in termin da disditga da 6 mais.

3 Sch’i sa tracta d’in manaschi agricul, è ina disditga mo admessa sin ils termins da primavaira u d’atun tenor l’isanza locala.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 337 B. Ownership in undivaided shares / I. Formation / 2. Form
Art. 339 B. Ownership in undivided shares / III. Effect / 1. Type of ownership

Art. 338 B. Ownership in undivaided shares / II. Duration

II. Duration

1 Joint ownership in undivaided shares may be constituted for a limited or indefinite duration.

2 If constituted for an indefinite duration, it may be terminated by any co-owner subject to six months’ notice.

3 Where the co-owned asset is an agricultural enterprise, such notice must always expire on a spring or autumn date in accordance with local custom. (2009-2021) - A propos
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