Index Fichier unique

Art. 250 C. Debts between spouses
Art. 2521A. Formation of parent-child relationship in general

Art. 251 D. Allocation of property in co-ownership

D. Allocation of property in co-ownership

Where one spouse shows an overriding interest in gaining sole possession of an object or asset in co-ownership, and notwithstanding any other legal measures available, he or she may request that said object or asset be allocated to him or her in return for compensation.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 250 C. Debits tranter consorts
Art. 2521A. Cumenzament da la relaziun da figlialanza en general

Art. 251 D. Attribuziun en cas da cumproprietad

D. Attribuziun en cas da cumproprietad

Sch’ina valur da facultad sa chatta en cumproprietad e sch’in consort cumprova in interess predominant, po el pretender – en cas da la schliaziun da l’urden dals bains – ultra da las autras mesiras legalas, che questa valur da facultad al vegnia attribuida cumplainamain cunter indemnisaziun da l’auter consort. (2009-2021) - A propos
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