Index Fichier unique

Art. 247 A. Administraziun, giudida e disposiziun / I. En general
Art. 249 B. Responsabladad vers terzas persunas

Art. 248 A. Administraziun, giudida e disposiziun / II. Cumprova

II. Cumprova

1 Tgi che pretenda ch’ina tscherta valur da facultad saja la proprietad d’in u da l’auter consort, sto cumprovar quai.

2 Sche quai na po betg vegnir cumprovà, vegn presumà che la valur da facultad saja en cumproprietad da tuts dus consorts.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 247 A. Management, benefits and power of disposal / I. In general
Art. 249 B. Liability toward third parties

Art. 248 A. Management, benefits and power of disposal / II. Proof

II. Proof

1 Any person who asserts that a specific object or asset is owned by one or other spouse bears the burden of proof.

2 If no such proof may be adduced, there is a presumption of co-ownership. (2009-2021) - A propos
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