Index Fichier unique

Art. 240 E. Dissolution of the property regime and liquidation / V. Valuation
Art. 242 E. Dissolution of the property regime and liquidation / VI. Division / 2. In other cases

Art. 241 E. Dissolution of the property regime and liquidation / VI. Division / 1. On death or implementation of a different marital property regime

VI. Division

1. On death or implementation of a different marital property regime

1 If the community of property regime is dissolved by the death of a spouse or the implementation of a different marital property regime, each party or his or her heirs is entitled to one-half of the common property.

2 A different method of divaision may be agreed by marital agreement.

3 Such agreements must not adversely affect the statutory inheritance entitlements of the spouse’s issue.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 240 E. Schliaziun da l’urden dals bains e liquidaziun / V. Determinaziun da la valur
Art. 242 E. Schliaziun da l’urden dals bains e liquidaziun / VI. Partiziun / 2. En ils auters cas

Art. 241 E. Schliaziun da l’urden dals bains e liquidaziun / VI. Partiziun / 1. En cas da mort u en cas da cunvegna d’in auter urden dals bains

VI. Partiziun

1. En cas da mort u en cas da cunvegna d’in auter urden dals bains

1 Sche la cuminanza dals bains vegn schliada tras la mort d’in dals consorts u tras la cunvegna d’in auter urden dals bains, han mintga consort u ses ertavels il dretg da survegnir la mesadad dals bains cuminaivels.

2 Tras contract matrimonial po vegnir fixada in’autra partiziun.

3 Talas cunvegnas na dastgan betg pregiuditgar ils dretgs a la part obligatorica dals descendents. (2009-2021) - A propos
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