Index Fichier unique

Art. 212 E. Dissolution of the property regime and liquidation / IV. Valuation / 2. Capitalised value / a. In general
Art. 214 E. Dissolution of the property regime and liquidation / IV. Valuation / 3. Defining juncture

Art. 213 E. Dissolution of the property regime and liquidation / IV. Valuation / 2. Capitalised value / b. Special circumstances

b. Special circumstances

1 The allocation value may be increased by a suitable amount if justified by special circumstances.

2 Special circumstances include in particular the maintenance requirements of the surviving spouse, the purchase price of the agricultural enterprise including capital investments, and the financial circumstances of the spouse to whom the agricultural enterprise belongs.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 212 E. Schliaziun da l’urden dals bains e liquidaziun / IV. Taxaziun / 2. Valur da rendita / a. En general
Art. 214 E. Schliaziun da l’urden dals bains e liquidaziun / IV. Taxaziun / 3. Mument decisiv

Art. 213 E. Schliaziun da l’urden dals bains e liquidaziun / IV. Taxaziun / 2. Valur da rendita / b. Circumstanzas spezialas

b. Circumstanzas spezialas

1 La valur imputabla po vegnir augmentada adequatamain, sche circumstanzas spezialas giustifitgeschan quai.

2 Sco circumstanzas spezialas valan en spezial ils basegns da mantegniment dal consort survivent, il pretsch da cumpra dal manaschi agricul inclusiv las investiziuns u las relaziuns da facultad dal consort che posseda il manaschi agricul. (2009-2021) - A propos
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