Index Fichier unique

Art. 191 C. Urden extraordinari dals bains / II. En cas da concurs e d’impegnaziun / 3. Aboliziun
Art. 193 D. Protecziun dals crediturs

Art. 192 C. Urden extraordinari dals bains / III. Liquidaziun dals bains matrimonials

III. Liquidaziun dals bains matrimonials

En cas d’ina separaziun dals bains valan per la liquidaziun dals bains matrimonials las disposiziuns da l’urden vertent dals bains, sche la lescha na dispona betg autramain.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 191 C. Extraordinary property regime / II. In the event of bankruptcy or distraint / 3. Revocation
Art. 193 D. Protection of creditors

Art. 192 C. Extraordinary property regime / III. Liquidation of the previous marital property regime

III. Liquidation of the previous marital property regime

Whenever the separation of property regime comes into effect, the liquidation of the previous regime is governed by the provisions applicable to the latter, unless the law provides otherwise. (2009-2021) - A propos
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