Index Fichier unique

Art. 181 A. Urden ordinari dals bains
Art. 183 B. Contract matrimonial / II. Abilitad da far in contract

Art. 182 B. Contract matrimonial / I. Cuntegn dal contract

B. Contract matrimonial

I. Cuntegn dal contract

1 In contract matrimonial po vegnir fatg avant u suenter la maridaglia.

2 Ils spus u ils consorts pon tscherner, annullar u midar lur urden dals bains mo entaifer ils limits da la lescha.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 181 A. Ordinary property regime
Art. 183 B. Marital agreement / II. Capacity to enter into an agreement

Art. 182 B. Marital agreement / I. Choice of regime

B. Marital agreement

I. Choice of regime

1 A marital agreement may be concluded before or after the wedding.

2 The prospective spouses or the spouses may choose, set aside or modify their marital property regime only within the limits of the law. (2009-2021) - A propos
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